News Bulletin: Hillary Clinton is a power hungry politician!!!

My guess is that this is not a surprise to most people. I will give her (and Bill) credit for being masters of manipulation. We haven't heard much from Hillary in a while; I wonder why. Perhaps she is trying to whitewash her image to appeal to a majority of Americans. Perhaps she wants to show America that she is just like them and has their very interests close to her heart. Or...perhaps she is like many other politicians bent on power and will do anything to get it. In a recent article from Fox News, Hillary appears to be distancing herself from Wal-mart. Why is that such a big deal for a radical liberal? Because she was once on the Board of Directors and has said some pretty nice things about Wal-mart in the not too distant past. The problem is that Wal-Mart has come under some scrutiny recently for it's business practices; none of which have changed much since the company started but it is their turn again in the constantly revolving door of "big business" bashing. Trust me, if Wal-mart were to announce that they were giving away free Morning After pills and stopping the sale of all Christian literature and Bibles, Hillary's new campaign office would be located inside a Wal-mart store. Before you go and start thinking this is a big liberal bashing post, let me clarify. All I want is for people to know what they are dealing with. Are you more on the liberal side of aisle? Fine, but don't be a fool. You are being played. Hillary doesn't give a crap about the "average American" voter. She has the same tunnel vision that she has had her entire life - POWER. She used her 8 years behind dopey, loveable hubby Bill to position herself for her future. You think she was surprised and upset about the Monica Lewinsky incident? Why? Bill had been doing it for years with countless others women. But to her it was political gold. All she needed to do was play the contrite wife; the victim who chose to stand by her man. And most everybody bought it. In a way, I hope she does get elected president. Then we will see the true evil that she is capable of. Marxism here we come. For those of you who are Christians, take comfort if she becomes President. She will, most likely, push U.N. treaties through that bring us closer to a "world government". Sound familiar? You may want to peruse Revelations again. We may be going home soon!

My guess is that this is not a surprise to most people. I will give her (and Bill) credit for being masters of manipulation. We haven't heard much from Hillary in a while; I wonder why. Perhaps she is trying to whitewash her image to appeal to a majority of Americans. Perhaps she wants to show America that she is just like them and has their very interests close to her heart. Or...perhaps she is like many other politicians bent on power and will do anything to get it. In a recent article from Fox News, Hillary appears to be distancing herself from Wal-mart. Why is that such a big deal for a radical liberal? Because she was once on the Board of Directors and has said some pretty nice things about Wal-mart in the not too distant past. The problem is that Wal-Mart has come under some scrutiny recently for it's business practices; none of which have changed much since the company started but it is their turn again in the constantly revolving door of "big business" bashing. Trust me, if Wal-mart were to announce that they were giving away free Morning After pills and stopping the sale of all Christian literature and Bibles, Hillary's new campaign office would be located inside a Wal-mart store. Before you go and start thinking this is a big liberal bashing post, let me clarify. All I want is for people to know what they are dealing with. Are you more on the liberal side of aisle? Fine, but don't be a fool. You are being played. Hillary doesn't give a crap about the "average American" voter. She has the same tunnel vision that she has had her entire life - POWER. She used her 8 years behind dopey, loveable hubby Bill to position herself for her future. You think she was surprised and upset about the Monica Lewinsky incident? Why? Bill had been doing it for years with countless others women. But to her it was political gold. All she needed to do was play the contrite wife; the victim who chose to stand by her man. And most everybody bought it. In a way, I hope she does get elected president. Then we will see the true evil that she is capable of. Marxism here we come. For those of you who are Christians, take comfort if she becomes President. She will, most likely, push U.N. treaties through that bring us closer to a "world government". Sound familiar? You may want to peruse Revelations again. We may be going home soon!
Thanks a lot.
I'm going to have nightmares about that picture.
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