Clinton Cracks Jokes About His Past
That's real nice. This article is much more offensive to me than the title would initially suggest. He doesn't just make light of the Monica Lewinsky scandal, but his handling of military affairs as well. Not to mention he is cracking jokes while working on global disaster relief and AIDS/HIV programs. Further, this is what he says about working on the program:
"I don't mind working on boring topics. I like boring."
Nice to see he is taking such an interest in HIV/AIDS and global disaster. He also seems to wear the Lewinsky scandal as a badge of honor, referring to himself as, "the world's most famous sinner." Yeah, ha, ha, real funny.
Perhaps he has a better take on his national security stance:
"I always thought of Senator Fulbright and the terrible quagmire in Vietnam and how many times we sent more soldiers and found ourselves in a hole and kept digging because we didn't want to look like we were weak. So anytime somebody said in my presidency, 'If you don't do this people will think you're weak,' I always asked the same question for eight years: "Can we kill 'em tomorrow?""If we can kill 'em tomorrow, then we're not weak, and we might bewise enough to try to find an alternative way."
Eight years of putting it off until tomorrow. Well, your lack of action against bin Laden got thousands of Americans killed!!!!!!!!!! And what alternatives? You mean do nothing but have an affair with an intern? Or maybe tout an economy that was built on nothing but pure speculation? Maybe just hope it will go away? Or better yet, skip out of office and leave it to someone else. Or, perhaps, all of the above. Let's blame September 11th on the 9 months Bush was in office instead of the 8 years of Don Juan Clinton. I'm glad he can be so glib about it. His refusal to go after bin Laden with boots on the ground (troops) and his tying of the hands of the CIA is what allowed September 11th to happen. I know I have referred to this book before, but read the book
Jawbreaker and you will see all of the obstacles the CIA came up against because of Clinton and his appointed roadblock, George Tenet.
This guy’s presidency was a joke; at least now he recognizes it as well. I wonder if the people who lost friends and family on September 11th can look back at his presidency with such a jovial attitude. I don't care if you worship at the house of Clinton or not. How can you not be offended by this?