We Celebrate Deviance
A quite a few stories caught my attention lately and I thought I would take the opportunity to return to the blogo-sphere. Unfortunately the post is not a happy one, but I write about what I see. Over the last few decades there has been a rapid decline in the appreciation of the upstanding, decent, kind and moral person in American society as well as the most of the world. This celebration of deviant behavior didn't start with Bill Clinton, but it certainly provided a catalyst for growth. I am still amazed at how, after all these years, many Americans have elevated Clinton due to his immoral behavior while in the Oval Office. I was further amazed that he is there is a public service type spot featuring Bill Clinton on Nickelodeon; a kid's network. He's not exactly the first person I would choose to be giving advice to children. Three other stories have caught my attention that further confirm this trend. I saw all of these reported on CNN.
R. Kelly, the hip-hop star, has been charged for allegedly having sex with a 14 year old girl. What's worse there is a video tape of it. In middle of all of this, his album came out recently and reached number 1 on the charts. How can there be this kind of following and support for someone accused of having sex with a 14 year old girl?
Kate Moss has been in the news a lot recently for her drug use and treatment. It has been reported that since her drug abuse has become public she is making twice as much money as before. Huh?
Finally, Lil Kim was released from prison a couple of days ago to a huge fanfare. The video of her release looked more like a red carpet event rather than a humbled walk from prison to her awaiting vehicle. It will be interesting to follow her career from this point. But I wouldn't be surprised if she saw a resurgence in her popularity.
Perhaps the reason I enjoy reading so much about the men of WW II and the times surrounding it is that the brave, decent men of our armed forces were celebrated for their contribution to this country. Now 8 out of 10 stories involving our military are negative. Meanwhile, we are bombarded with stories exulting the exploits of deviants and others who disparage the values that this country was founded upon. When will it stop? Perhaps it is too late to stop the inevitable slide into utter depravity. I certainly hope that we can turn things around in this country and go back to celebrating the good people in this country.
R. Kelly, the hip-hop star, has been charged for allegedly having sex with a 14 year old girl. What's worse there is a video tape of it. In middle of all of this, his album came out recently and reached number 1 on the charts. How can there be this kind of following and support for someone accused of having sex with a 14 year old girl?
Kate Moss has been in the news a lot recently for her drug use and treatment. It has been reported that since her drug abuse has become public she is making twice as much money as before. Huh?

Perhaps the reason I enjoy reading so much about the men of WW II and the times surrounding it is that the brave, decent men of our armed forces were celebrated for their contribution to this country. Now 8 out of 10 stories involving our military are negative. Meanwhile, we are bombarded with stories exulting the exploits of deviants and others who disparage the values that this country was founded upon. When will it stop? Perhaps it is too late to stop the inevitable slide into utter depravity. I certainly hope that we can turn things around in this country and go back to celebrating the good people in this country.
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