Monday, July 10, 2006

"I Hate People"

I have actually uttered these words out loud several times in the last couple of weeks. I find myself sick of being around a society that promotes selfishness. People seem to only be aware of themselves with no concern or care for anyone else. My heart is truly starting to grow cold towards this world.

I have been hurt by those who I thought I could trust. I feel vastly unappreciated at work. My house has been on the market for 66 days with no takers. No one else knows how to drive. People don't say thank you when you do something nice for them. Most people just don't get it. Others seem to have no awareness that they live on a planet with anyone else.

These are just some of the thoughts that have been invading my mind over the last couple of months. I give people very little slack and I am becoming increasingly critical of others. By the grace of God, the Holy Spirit has convicted me to start seeking the Lord more fervently; both by getting into God's word and spending more time in prayer. I have started reading Romans again and I came across a verse that really shamed me because it is 100% true.

Romans 2: 1 "You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge the other, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things."

First, I have no excuse to judge others since I am no better. Second, my heart should be filled with love for others rather than hate. I may not understand why someone can be rude or not say thank you or applauds deviant behavior, but it is not my place to judge them. My job is to show them Christ's love. That's a hard pill to swallow.

The other obvious pattern that shows up in my complaints is the constant turning inward to myself. All of my complaints are base solely on me or, at least, on my perspective of how things ought to be. It's no wonder I am beginning to hate people. All I do is focus on the negative. The truth is that I should be disgusted with my own human nature because that is the real problem. So now onward I go seeking God in prayer to soften my heart and help me to show Christ's love to others.


Blogger Chiquita Banana said...

I know some of the people you interface with on a daily basis and I can understand completely your dislike for fellow man. I honestly feel it sometimes.

When I get in this rut, I ask God if I can borrow some of His Grace, because mine is nowhere to be seen. And it happens - in a moment or two I feel the release.

Try it.

GBU my dear friend

7/19/2006 05:33:00 AM  

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